Secure ICS and OT for Industry 4.0
Risks of Industry 4.0
RMMs detect devices connected to customer networks but still fail to provide visibility into risk for un-agentable devices, like IoT and OT devices.
MSSPs are forced to use manual risk processes that lead to longer customer onboarding times.
With DeviceTotal, MSSPs gain a competitive advanåtage that drives revenue.
DeviceTotal automates manual processes so MSSPs can give customers the needed risk visibility and prioritization capabilities to secure these hard-to-manage devices.
With DeviceTotal, MSSPs give customers a way to review risk and enhance due diligence during the procurement process.
Knowing Your Risk Posture
With critical ICS and OT devices, patches for known vulnerabilities may be slow to come or require delays in applying patches to prevent outages and work stoppages. Existing solutions fail to provide guidance to determine workarounds and mitigations to prevent a vulnerability when immediate patching is not an option.
Dr. Carmit Yadin
CEO and Founder — DeviceTotal
75.4 B connected devices by 2025
*According to the Statistics
ICS and OT devices are at the heart of organizations, providing critical infrastructure for operations. Protecting these high-value assets is crucial.
Driving Visibility
Using inventory information from asset management solution, DeviceTotal derives a contextual understanding of device interconnection. These devices are assessed for vulnerabilities based on an automated in-depth inventory of their software and hardware.
The whole context is crucial for determining the actual exploitability of devices. Many vulnerabilities have high scores indicating that they are easily
DeviceTotal’s approach places the necessary information in defenders’ hands to determine the vulnerabilities that matter, effectively prioritizing efforts and making the most of the team’s limited resources.
How it Works?
Analyze the attack surface score and risk metrics for every connected device on the network by identifying vulnerabilities and risk scores.
Expose the device, the network risk, and the entire nature of the attack surface posture in a contextual way for the organization.
Prioritize responses based on organization, site, or device-level business context, risk, and impact, monitoring the effectiveness of your actions.
Access clear, actionable insights with security recommendations, including software updates, patches, or workaround recommendations.